Questions? Need support or assistance with finding resources? Â Want to get involved with supporting outdoor learning in MN? Email us at
We are calling on teachers, administrators, school communities, families, and outdoor educators to transform this current challenge into providing healthy and meaningful learning outside.Â
Explore the links below to find support for your journey in teaching outdoors. Whether you are just beginning and looking to be inspired to take the next step, or further along on your journey and looking for specific curriculum and lessons, we have everything you need to be successful.Â
And don't hesitate to reach out and connect with local organizations and individuals that are ready to offer personalized support to help you be successful! We're ready to do this TOGETHER!
View our full position statement here: Â Teach Outdoors! Minnesota
See how teachers and schools across the State of Minnesota have embraced Outdoor Learning through all of Minnesota's seasons, and hear their why for doing so.
Get Ready to Teach Outdoors:
Develop your Why!
Make a Plan!
Seasonal-Specific Resources
Fall Specific Resource
Coming Soon!
Learn about winter appropriate clothing, ways to stay warm when outdoors, and winter curriculum and lesson ideas
Explore ways for how to advocate for and support outdoor learning in your child's school
Learn how higher education institutions can incorporate outdoor learning into their classrooms and curriculum.Â
Teach Outdoors! Minnesota was made possible thanks to the contributions of the following individuals & organizations
Individuals: Anna Dutke, Michelle Lenhart, Katy Smith, Jennifer Elsen, Sue Mohn, Sheila Williams Ridge, Fergus Woolley, Tom Westerhaus, Laura Whittaker, Jenny Hanlon, Heidi Faris, Wendy Tremblay, Claire Wilson, Maggie Karschnia, Karen Harrison, Laura Duffey, Joe Walewski, Pete Smerud, Emily Porter, Colleen Foehrenbacher, John Olson, Sarah Carter, Josh Leonard, Patty Born Selly, Jason Sanders, Peter Cleary, Jennifer Vieth, Mayme Johnson, Katie Bloome, Katie-Lyn Bunney, Sara Holger, Jody Yungers, Jeff Ledermann, Janine Kohn, Cristina Palmisano, Ashley Smith, Thomas Moffatt, Cortney Solum, Briedi Scott, Megan Earnest, Molly Stoddard, Karen Christensen, Julie Ernst, Cathy Jordan.